Saturday, July 28, 2007


I had a PB (Portfolio Building) Shoot scheduled for Friday afternoon with my best friend who was coming down from college for the weekend. I had everything prepared and set in my mind to where we were going and what type of poses. Friday morning I wake up to it raining, but not just any old morning shower…pouring rain. It was storming, with thunder and lightening. You have to be kidding me? I still had some time (a few hours) before we were due to meet up, so I was hoping that a miracle would happen and the clouds would scatter, the sun would shine, and the ground would dry up in a record time. There’s nothing wrong with wishful thinking. The hours went by and the clouds above met me half way. It stopped storming, but it was still drizzling and the ground was soaked. I told my friend we were still shooting today, because it was worth a shot. We went to location number one. We were doing great and getting a lot of neat shots when the clouds above decided to break loose and let the rain come down. I’ve never seen two women run any faster. We headed out to location number two hoping it wasn’t raining there (if you know Houston you know that it can be sunny in one area and storming in another). We get to location number two…it’s not raining. We get out get a few shots and sure enough, history is repeating itself. This time we get a little wet, but we still want to keep trying. We get to location number three (and thankfully final stop) and attempt to get some more shots. This time it doesn’t rain a single drop on us and we get lots of great shots. You can’t stop me from getting my shots! I’m too determined…and stubborn. Considering the day we had with rain, puddles of mud, flat hair, make up sweat off, and being exhausted we had lots of fun and ended up with about 10 amazing shots! I will be using quite a few of these for my portfolio and couldn’t be happier. It also helps when you have a beautiful model to photograph!

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